ConnectBooster Encrypted Keypad for Secure Key Entered and Swiped Transactions
Are you aware that keying in transactions over the phone may not entirely be secure?
To help protect our clients, and give them an added level of security, we integrated the first of its kind encrypted keypad/card swiper combo.
It’s encrypted point-to-point, which means from the point you key or swipe a card number it is fully encrypted. The data is secured through your PC, your network, ConnectBooster, and all the way to our PCI level 1 secured payment gateway.
How you use it is simple and easy. All you need to do is plug it into your PC via USB, and use it just like a 10 key pad to key in credit and debit cards. You can also swipe cards for face-to-face transactions.
The added security of using point-to-point encryption protects your clients’ sensitive data through the whole payment cycle. It also makes sense for you to use the best technology available to keep your business and client information safe.
Point-to-Point Encryption
The new ConnectBooster keypad prevents hackers using keyloggers or other spyware from getting unencrypted credit card data.
When using point-to-point encrypted devices, the keypad makes it so there’s no point of access for hackers to gain unencrypted information. Now, if your computer is compromised, the data they take is completely useless and unusable since it’s been encrypted.
This limits your exposure to potential data breaches. If you run all over the phone and in-person transactions through the encrypted keypad, you have no possible risk of stolen credit cards in the event of a data breach.
What Does The Encrypted Keypad Do?
- Key in cards securely
- Swipe cards securely
- Add credit and debit cards to the Customer Vault for secure storage
- Lowers your PCI scope by reducing data breach vectors